Compliance of the site with the principles of accessibility

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Compliance of the site with the principles of accessibility

Compliance of the site with the principles of accessibility

Compliance of the site with the principles of accessibility

Compliance of the site with the principles of accessibility

The Sam Yuk Busan Hospital website was created in accordance with the Korea Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (KICS.OT-0003R1) established as a national standard (KICS) in December 2010 to provide access to information on the Internet for people with disabilities and the elderly. "

"Busan Adventist Hospital is constantly working to improve the accessibility of the site and publish the necessary information on it. In the future, the person in charge of the Busan Adventist Hospital website will listen to users with disabilities and web accessibility experts to review the site for web accessibility guidelines. We welcome your comments and suggestions, as well as bug reports, to improve the website's web accessibility.

Alternate text

All non-textual content is provided with alternate text to help visually impaired people understand what is depicted there.

Name of document

Every document has a title. The title is written concisely and clearly to reflect the specifics of the document.

Quick access link(Accessibility)

You can use the “Skip Navigation” quick access link to effectively view pages with duplicate links.

Structure of documents

The document uses such tags as heading (


), paragraph (pp>), list (ulul>, olol>,
) to provide logical and keyboard access. Also, design elements are separated by css, and removing the stylesheet does not cause any inconvenience in understanding the content.

Video subtitles

The videos are subtitled for the hearing impaired.

Web accessibility restrictions

The Sam Yuk Busan Hospital website was created based on 13 items of the national standard. Site content can be accessed using such additional devices as screen readers, that are used by people with disabilities. Since not all assistive devices work as expected, some problems may occur depending on the devices. If you preview PDF files with such additional devices as screen readers, the content may not be displayed consistently. The attached documents of Busan Adventist Hospital are in HWP and PDF format, but not all elements of the document can be presented in the text form.

49230 부산광역시 서구 대티로 170 (서대신동2가 382번지) 170 Daeti-ro, Seo-gu, Busan, 49230, South Korea..
대표전화 1566-3675 팩스 051)242-0407 © 2015 Busan Adventist Hospital.
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